Bitches in season: handy tips
When your bitch grows up, she will come into heat. Read here to find out how often this happens, how long it lasts and how to deal with side effects.
Your bitch is now an adult. You may notice some puberty-type changes and other body changes. She has come into heat for the first time. When we say that animals are in heat or in season we mean that they are ready to conceive. You will have to pay particular attention to your bitch a few times a year (small breeds come into heat about twice a year, larger breeds less often). Not just to prevent unwanted litters but also to prevent any mess in the home.
How to tell if a bitch is in heat
A bitch in heat changes her behaviour. Most dogs come into heat in spring and autumn but this should not be taken as a general rule. You will notice that your lady dog ignores you, is unsettled or pees more often than usual. This in turn attracts many male dogs. They will spend a long time sniffing around your lady dog’s rear end and make no bones that something is going on. As a precaution, you should not let your bitch wander about – unless you want offspring.
Length of heat cycle
Overall, heat length differs widely. On average, you will need to be particularly attentive for about 21 days. Experts divide the heat cycle into four phases:
Lasts nine days on average; characterised by swollen vulva and vaginal bleeding. The bitch is not yet fertile and rejects all amorous advances. -
Estrus (Heat)
Lasts about nine days on average; bitch is ready to mate and turns her tail to one side when an admirer approaches. Vaginal discharge is significantly clearer than in pre-oestrus and is watery or slimy. The bitch is ovulating and ready to conceive. -
Lasts nine to twelve weeks; swollen vulva; discharge becomes yellow and then disappears. -
This is the phase between two heat seasons. Lasts up to several weeks or months.
The periods between the different phases remain the same for each bitch throughout her life. Once you have garnered some experience, you can rely on this in later seasons. And bitches come into heat throughout their lives – there is no menopause.
Another problem is false pregnancy. The bitch starts mothering toys and her teats can also become swollen. A false pregnancy does not mean your bitch is sick but she may get stressed.
Hygiene during heat
While the general rule of keeping them on the leash is easy to apply for most owners, some find it difficult to deal with their dog’s leavings.
With many dogs it’s only a few droplets of blood that land here and there on the floor or furniture. Other dogs bleed a lot more. Many bitches lick their privates intensively to clean themselves. Despite this, some always escapes. Don’t get flustered if this happens. Nature’s Miracle® has very good cleaning solutions that help remove both potential odour formation and persistent stains.
First, carefully dab away any liquid and then spray with Nature’s Miracle®. Leave a short while to take effect and then mop up with a kitchen towel. The effective formula ensures that the mishap does not leave a permanent stain.
The colour and frequency of bleeding will also tell you which stage of estrus your bitch is in. Note that the actual fertile phase only occurs when bleeding becomes more watery and appears to diminish.
Around the time that you suspect your dog could be in heat, check her quiet places. These can have stains, noticeable at the start of proestrus.
Heat diapers and spaying
If your dog has a lot of discharge, a washable heat diaper (dog diaper) is a good alternative. Many dog owners also swear by baby nappies to help keep clean-ups in check. The best thing is to get your pet gradually used to the unwanted accoutrement around her rump – including after she comes out of heat. However, many dogs are not so happy with this accessory. If the diapers cause too much stress, you’ll have to resign yourself to more mess.
Our tip: Stains can be easily removed with the NATURE'S MIRACLE® SET-IN STAIN REMOVER.
If recurring estrus is bothersome for you and stressful for your dog – amorous male dogs and false pregnancies can be demanding for even the best-tempered animals – ask your vet for advice. Hormonal contraceptives (in spray form) and spaying (sterilisation) are possible solutions. What’s more, spayed bitches do not come into heat.